Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Conkywx Conky Weather Script - Conkywx ONE Released

If your main language is not English - conkywx can display information and messages in your native language - contact me if you are willing to help with the simple translations. You shall get the FULL credit for your work.

Now Conkywx is 1.0 - Faster Sleeker - Additions and changes:
  • Dynamic Moon
  • Font to Image
  • Trend Graphs
  • Scrolling Weather Alerts
  • Active Weather Alerts
  • Tropical Weather Storm Warnings
  • Moon Works for Both Hemispheres
  • Bug fixes and tweaks.

  • As many users are using various conky variants - conky is no longer a dependency but however - conky is still required. Please ensure conky - in what ever form - is infact installed. 
  • Refer to the included release notes for changes additions etc...
  • To reduce duplication of effort - conkywx man page now has basic information and has a link to the wiki which is normally being updated real time as changes to conkywx are being made.
  • If you are using Gnome 3 - own_window_type in the *conkyrc.sh needs to be changed to normal dock etc
  • In some cases to have conky restart automatically you may need to give a sleep 30 - delay in your conky-start script
  • *conkyrc.sh files are configured on XFCE 4.10 with compiz + emerald - you may need to tweak conkyrc examples for your DE

conkywx ONE

There is a wiki page conkywx wiki

Due to the changes at the wunderground site - all earlier versions of conkywx do not work - see this post for conkywx latest information

For this stand alone version run the conkywx_fonts_assistant.sh file to install or remove conkywx fonts.

People - feedback from you would be great ;-)


  1. Hello, I have been using 0.7.8. I do not know to set the background setting of v1. /Usr/share/conkywx/image/bgrounds/short-brown-rnd-light.png was the default until now. Could you tell me the location change?

    1. Hi - you found that info in the wiki ???
      The change was required as the path was becoming an issue so - I just copy the back ground images to tmp and go from there - you just need to place some thing like:
      ${image [PTBI]/short-brown-rnd-light.png -p -5,0 -s 487x525}
      at the top of the template.
      Yes - there have been a lot of changes since 0.7.8 :)

  2. All right. Usually, people notice that you want to delete the tmp file will be small. By the way, in fedora, perl-Time-Piece and gnuplot was needed. Although I think that it may be written in this tutorial.

    1. Yes - gnuplot and imagemagick are generally not pre-installed.
      Time::Piece has been part of perl core since version 5.9.5 and Fedora 17 [perl 5.14.4] did not have it - was a bit surprised - Yes it needs a mention on the wiki. I felt perhaps it was 17 that did not have it - which Fedora are you wearing lol ;-)
      Please explain "the tmp file" part - thanks???

  3. Hi
    The reason for deleting the tmp file?
    This is because I wanted to reflect the short-brown-rnd-light.png that has passed through.


  4. Hello again.

    Although any of wx_iconset is chosen, an icon does not change.
    Does it change in your environment?

    1. Yes - comment the font to image options : This is in the conkywx config file
      ## convert ConkyWeather font to 3D images - state the colour here.
      ## Use only for Image Templates
      ## COMMENT these options for using in font templates
      ## COMMENT these options for using regular weather images in image templates
      ## Needs Imagemagick installed
      ## to see List of Color Names visit http://www.imagemagick.org/script/color.php
      ## Colour can be stated in any of the following formats - enclosed in single quotes
      ## example for colour *lime* - 'lime' '#0f0' '#00ff00' 'rgb(0,255,0)' 'rgb(0,100%,0)'

  5. Hi,Param

    Thank you for the quick reply.
    The color of weather icon has been changed.
    If possible, I want weather icon set to be available as before version (0.9.3).

    1. which icon set are you referring ?? and do you mean the set that came with 0.9.3 - the wx icons had a change from 0.7.9 - and with version 1 the size was reduced to 80x80 and changed the icons to indexed graphics where possible :)

  6. Hello again.
    I change with a choice of nothing.
    The following is the situation.


    1. Hi Donald
      refer to my msg on 28th - comment the fti_now, fti_wind and fti_fct in the conkywx config file.

      The wind rose has only character out put or font to image - no icons.

      Once you comment the three variables the program automatically uses images based on your choice for wx_iconset

  7. Thank you,Param.

    1.2.3 of icon set displays it normally.
    However, 4( Enable icon set Sticker Weather Icons by Kortoik) is not displayed definitely.

    Slightly disappointed........

    1. All icon sets are working fine on Arch as well as Fedora


      You can send me an email and we can see what exactly is the issue :)

  8. Then I show an image.(Env: Fedora 3.11.6-200.fc19.x86_64 GNOME-Shell)

    [3] Enable icon set tick weather icons by xiao4

    [4] Enable icon set Sticker Weather Icons by Kortoik


    1. Hi Donald

      I feel the monitor settings are a bit high on Gamma or Contrast - google for "images appear too white on the monitor" - most monitors have calibration built in which can be used to re-calibrate - some times they have warm and cold settings.

      Let me know how it goes

  9. Hi Param

    I am very sorry.
    Weather icon worked as design.
    I misunderstood it,sorry.

    And conkywx1.0 moves normally in Ubuntu 13.10 64bit GNOME-Shell.

    Thank you very much for your kind support.

    1. No worries Donald - you are most welcome - apparently these distros are going through a change on how they display - I had challenges for fixing font to image and you will notice 2 sets of options in the config file.

      But I shall also test with Fedora latest - and downloading Fedora 20 [alpha] lets see...

      Thanks for the reply

  10. Hi I've downloaded the installer for crunchbang and then ran it.
    What steps do I take after this ?

    1. Hi Ben
      This is a RTFM issue lol - read the wiki :)
      but here are some steps you may follow:-
      1. run the script at /usr/share/conkywx/conky-restart.sh
      You should get a conky displaying weather...
      2. edit /usr/share/conkywx/examples/conkywx.conf - this is the conkywx config file - change to your Location - refer to wiki for details
      3. you can also use the xml_ID - details in wiki
      this will give you a display for your location. you can now change other details to configure the various options

      If you are already using conky - you can view the conky-restart.sh and see how you want to customize for yourself.

      Trust this will get you on your way :)

  11. Release 1.0.0 works great for me except for two temperature variables: "Feels Like" and "Dew Point" which are way off the mark regardless of metric or imperial units. Web site shows correct data. Any suggestions? Check it out @ http://postimg.org/image/uacyems1f/ (Talk about climate change!! LOL) My rig: AMD-A6.3620 ATI-6530 Gfx 8Gb 3Tb HD Openbox Manjaro-0.8.8-rc1 Kernel 3.10.

    1. Thanks for you message

      In such cases please use conkywx assistant and force update as the web site data may have been in error when downloaded for what ever reason.


    2. Just as an FYI, conkywx assistant didn't fix my problem but commenting out xml= in conkywx.conf and using just the url worked. FWIW, Rel 0.9.3 acts the same way. Something about xml I guess...

    3. Thanks for your message

      I have checked - there is No information for Dew Point. Conkywx calculates Feels Like temp - and I need to fix the limits for Temperature Humidity and Wind speed - Winter weather brings many interesting values. Next conkywx shall have the fix :)


  12. Hey Param...

    it's working great under Ubu 14.04 dev branch running kernel 3.12...tho I did
    have to set own_window_type to desktop to keep it from disappearing when minimizing the terminal window


    1. Hey Tommy :)

      Yes it all depends on the DE and how the Distro modifies that DE and you will probably need to play around with the own_window_type.

      Also there is a flux in the Display environment with Ubu - as you noticed we had issues with Font to image.


  13. Hi, my name is Juan from Spain. I see you arre a very patient persons, so only one more question... I'm trying to use your excellent conky on Archlinux 64+Openbox. I want to change the icons but it seems the changes don't work. I'm doing it on /usr/share/conkywx/example/conkywx.conf. Other options, like "Time_format=5" or "use_short_date=1" works fine, but with "wx_iconset=3" (3 for example) nothing changes. I can't find what I'm doing wrong. Only change a number!!! Thanks in advice.

    1. Hi Juan,

      Thank you for your message.

      See my comment on the October 28th to Donald - you need to comment the font to image - comment the 3 options


      if you want only one of them to have images you can comment only that option.

      There is an option to see your weather information in Spanish - have you tried it ??

      Let me know how it goes ...

  14. Hi Param. I'm Juan. I can't believe it. I had the solution in front of me all the time!!! And I've spent hours in "this problem"... Now I feel a little vampire, (..give me the work done...) but that wasn't my intention. I' m sorry.
    On the other hand, the spanish translation works fine too. As you can see, I have no much experience with your conky, but if I see something wrong, sure I'll tell you. This is a great work!!!! Thanks. Juan (for next time I promise not to be anonymous)

    1. Thank you Juan - It happens with us all the time - no worries :)

      It is good to see you are happy :D

  15. Hi Param, here Juan once again with a new question. I'm trying to do some changes with the icons of the default folders (number 2) to my own folder, or only some into this folder. A new image and rename it with the same name doesn't work, because I'm seeing that the conky uses the icons from the /temp file. Any modification here has no sense, because all changes will be deleted with the next reboot. Exist the posiblity to do that?

    1. Hi Juan :)

      The changes need to be made in the conkywx images image-set directory. you can make a backup of the one you need and then make changes. you will need to keep the image names same as they are.

  16. Hi Param:
    I'm doing what you say. But the error is that when I created the conky folder into my /home, I imported the image-set too, and I'm making the changes there. Doing the same changes into /usr/share/conkywx makes the icons look like I want. Is a solution, but I prefer work into my /home folders, so now I only need to find where is necesary change the default path to my /home. Thanks

    1. Hi Juan
      Please wait for the next version. This has already been implemented and you will be able to choose a custom location for the icons - this will allow you to use your /home folder or any other location. The naming convention for the images will still remain the same.
      I have already updated the wiki. :-)

    2. Ok, that sounds great!!!! Maybe the wind rosetta also? :))
      Sure it will be a great job, once again. Thanks.

    3. Cannot promise about the wind rose - do not have images for that yet - hey how about mailing me the weather icons and wind rose icons - sure they must be great ;-)

  17. Hi Param, I'm sorry for the delay in my response and for my bad English (a work, a job, a well paid job, I'm spanish so I have no job...). I'm trying to learn to make my own icons, but for me is not easy. Completly newbie ... Until that distant day i use icons I see on some weather websites as a starting point, but sure are not free. About the compass rose I would use the icons from Kaivalagi's conky, are great. It seems that the proyect is abandoned, no update since two years. In any case, he is the owner... Thanks

  18. Param, my little contribution for the next update: In the spanish translation, the information of clouds still appears in english, not in spanish. The rest is ok.


    1. Thanks Juan - also for the previous message.


  19. Hi Param, It's been a long time.

    I have a question.
    Conkywx is not working properly from around the day before yesterday.Env Fedora FC20 64bit and ArchLinux 64bit.
    I think http://www.wunderground.com is because the specification change, but do you wrong?

    Could you pls answer to the above point.
    thanks and best regards!

  20. YESSSS - there has been a complete change at wunderground - and requires a complete re-write of the data extraction stuff. The site itself is also getting to sort data - as forecast are not showing at present though the data is there in JSON format.

    I am also strapped for time - but am on it :)


    1. Thank you very much for responding to our request so soon.

      When possible, I am glad when I have you repair conkywx.

    2. Yes Donald it is of concern to me also as I too am not getting weather... ;-)
