For latest version of Conky Weather Program conkywx please look here
Weather Information for Conky - or as some may say Conky Weather Program
For latest version of Conky Weather Program conkywx please look here
Weather Information for Conky - or as some may say Conky Weather Program
- Conkywx Weather Program Assistant - typing conkywx or conkywx -h or conkywx -v will launch this assistant - forceupdate and debug have been moved here.
- use_template_cleanup - in conkywx.conf
- custom_time_format - in conkywx.conf
- 16 New Elements which include 14 Trends, Abbreviated Moon Phase output text and METAR Information.
- Cleaned up conkywx output in case no Internet connectivity for all elements
- As many users are using various conky variants - conky is no longer a dependency but however - conky is still required. Please ensure conky - in what ever form - is infact installed.
- To reduce duplication of effort - conkywx man page now has basic information and has a link to the wiki which is normally being updated real time as changes to conkywx are being made.
- On Arch Linux the new conkywx.conf will be saved as /etc/conkywx/conkywx.conf.pacnew - review the changes and update your conkywx.conf
- If you are using Gnome 3 - own_window_type in the * needs to be changed to normal
- In some cases to have conky restart automatically you may need to give a sleep 30 - delay in your conky-start script
- * files are configured on XFCE 4.10 with compiz + emerald - you may need to tweak conkyrc examples for your DE
There is a wiki page conkywx wiki
If you are using Arch linux visit this AUR page
If you are using Debian based Distro - Ubuntu, CrunchBang, Mint etc Download ver 0.7.8
If you are using RPM based distro - Fedora, CentOS, Suse etc Download ver 0.7.8
There is also a Stand Alone version you can run in your home directory Download ver 0.7.8_sa
For this stand alone version you will need to copy the fonts in to the ~/.fonts
directory. It is a hidden folder in your home directory. Use the file to get it going or see how it works and integrate
into your existing conky setup.
People - feedback from you would be great ;-)