Saturday, November 21, 2015

Conkywx FIVE release

There is a newer version: conkywx SIX

Now Conkywx is FIVE - Additions and changes:
  • conky version 1.10x RECOMMENDED though will work with conky 1.09x as well
  • Huge changes to get things to work with conky 1.10x
  • Most short comings of this version of conky are handled using lua scripts
  • conky_startup - this handles the startup issues - if your update interval is 5 seconds - conky updates that conky config in 5 * 2 seconds [10 seconds ] - so we update it such that your conky starts like on steroids
  • conky_pre_exec - this handles anything that needs to be done only ONCE - or unless updated manually - same as 1.9x
  • conky_if_running - checks the pidof the required process - same as 1.9x
  • conky_top_name - handles the top process for the AUR versions
  • All templates modified to work with both conky versions
  • Earth quake/ Seismic has new options to set Alarms that will show up alarms via the conkywx system, the location in question also flashes in the Seismic display
  • Seconday PWS for xml_ID - when the primary stops or has stale data.
  • Some forecast handling changes.
  • Some bug fixes.
  • A New music player - wx media player - plays in the terminal and even though you can see progress in conky - can be used on it's own. Written in bash and lua - very light and can handle huge number of tracks - uses mplayer as backend.
  • Multiple sites supported to get options for current and forecast weather
  • Type conkywx --help in a terminal window after installation to see improved help on a web browser.

  • As many users are using various conky variants - conky is no longer a dependency but however - conky is still required. Please ensure conky - in what ever form - is in fact installed. 
  • To get the best out of conkywx - please install lua support for your conky - this could mean installing conky-all - check your distro.
  • In some cases to have conky restart automatically you may need to give a sleep 30 - delay in your conky-start script
  • Depending on your Perl installation - you may require extra modules - Time::Piece and HTML::Entities are hot favourites ;-)
  • Many of you may find the text in templates out of spec - before you rip things apart - change the xftfont value in the rc file for the template.

    conkywx FIVE
    conkywx FIVE

    Distro File Location
    There is a newer conkywx version: conkywx SIX
    Arch linux AUR
    Debian based Ubuntu, Mint etc Debian Build
    RPM based Red Hat, Fedora, CentOS, Suse, etc RPM Build
    Stand Alone version you can run in your home directory Stand Alone Version
    Download fonts for the VinDSL Templates - has the installer in the archive VinDSL Template fonts

    For this stand alone version run the file to install or remove conkywx fonts.

    People - feedback from you would be great ;-)